Loosy Goosy Petsy Peevy
Am I loosing my mind or has it been loost for a long time now?
Why has the spelling ell-double oh-ess-ee replaced the word "lose" in nearly every electronic missive I read? How long has this been evolving? Did this pervasive new spelling originate, as I suspect, back in the pre-Google, pre-Yahoo Dark Ages of usenet lists or is it more recent? How has it spread so successfully? I don't think it's caused by laziness because it involves typing an extra letter. I mean, you'd think being great ones for lopping off extraneous letters from Olde Englische Colourful spellings we'd have changed loose into lose instead of the other way round. When people post messages that they're "loosing it" I think eeewww, gross! Y'know, you can buy disposable underpants for grownups to disguise that problem. Here's a coupon:
Glad to help in any little way I can.
Perhaps the explanation for this spelling shift is right in front of my eyes. Google? Yahoo? Clearly people are so accustomed to typing two consecutive o's it happens automatically and it's not picked up by spell check. Yeah, that must be it. I'll just keep telling that to myself until I believe it.
I remeber a summer school program where the children were taken to a museam and on the way back (in the big city) we cut through a vacant lot because one of the children said,"I gotta go, teacher! I'm loosin' it teacher!!" Ah, good times!
And the mail being what it is (all those warnings about flamable liquids and all) you will just have to take a road trip to PA for the pear goodness.
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