Friday, November 10, 2006

Knitting For Myself

I found a new project that's really floating my boat, team. Crawl into your favorite dent, pull up a tall stemmed one, crack open that bag/box/steamer trunk full of scrap yarns and get to work on one or a bunch of these:
Caps To The Capital

I'll post pictures of my finished cap and CIP later. At the moment I'm too gung-ho to wait for all the supporting documentation before spreading the joy around my little corner of the blogosphere. Cap knitting sure beats blocking so you won't be hearing or seeing much in the way of progress on the VK #11 until well after Christmas.

A word to the knit-wise: the instructions provided by Save The Children have you knitting a flat piece then seaming it. I hate sewing seams almost as much as I hate blocking (I consider-er-er-er myself-elf-elf-elf...) so I've been knitting mine in the round on dpn's. In addition, their instructions have you change needle size from the ribbed band to the stockinette crown. Don't bother. It makes a poochy little Rastafarian looking cap. If the concern is being able to keep the cap on a weensy head, it's probably better to just work with one needle size and rib the whole thing. My 2 cents, but isn't that what you expect from your coach?

Getcher butts in gear. I want progress reports. I want to see the numbers on that Per State Participation map (click on the Interactive Map at Caps To The Capital) swelling by the minute! OK, hour. I'll give you some time to produce.


At Friday, November 10, 2006 7:52:00 PM, Blogger Amy Lane said...

I've been trying to get students to participate for this all year... I'm up to my ass in alligators, but I was hoping to send one or two in myself... good luck!

At Saturday, November 11, 2006 12:12:00 PM, Blogger NeedleTart said...

Hey! Someone else is first? Elder son says," Nooooo! My life is no longer validated!" Kids! Looks like you are getting popular. Congrats! I just finished a pair of socks for soldiers and now you want baby caps?! Mumble, grumble.....Hey, I can knit these at school after I finish The Husband's socks!


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