Happy New Your Hair
I told you I'd let you know when I flunked all my resolutions and voila, the first failure is here! As promised, it is:
5. Take all medications religiously, on schedule, and at proper doses.
I still can't find the perfect pill sorter. Oh, excuses, excuses! But really, there is no such thing as a storage box with 4 daily compartments: 1 for breakfast time, 1 for lunchtime, 1 for dinnertime and 1 for bedtime. The ones I've seen only have three (because who's ever heard of having to take medication with food? Freak!). And to find one that's child-safe? Impossible!
The title of this post? Why, the timely greeting you get from 2 Year Old this holiday season, of course. Speaking of 2 Year Old's exclamations, as I was attempting to stuff her winter-coated body into her car seat this morning without doing any injury to her or myself, she treated me to an "Oh, Christ!" complete with the exact same inflection as Englishman but without the accompanying Mid-Atlantic accent. I can definitely blame him for this one because my language is far more foul and more of the bodliy function variety than the relgious fervor type. At the time I was thinking "Oh ship!". (Substitute appropriate consonant as necessary)
Please note, I have successfully managed to add a BIP list to the sidebar of this page. I write that so cavalierly, trusting that what I saw in the preview on my Blogger template page will exactly match what actually appears once I publish this post (note the title of the BIP to uncover the source of this unexpected look on the sunny side from your Coach). Goddess be praised for the miracle of html.
Sorry about the meds. As for the "language" issues: "Oh Faulkner!" works pretty well. Elder Son often says, "Well, Shucky darn!" Doesn't really relate to any known swear words but makes people stop and stare. Have fun!
The home healthcare workers we had for my Mother brought over a behemoth pill case. Seven days, four segments (Breakfast, Noon, Dinner, Bedtime). They are out there. But childproof? Hmm. Not this one.
I find myself saying "Shystikoff!" instead of the Sh-word, Fargh instead of the F-bomb, and my all-time favorite, Holy Mother of Cats!!!
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