Monday, August 27, 2007


No, I'm not dead but I don't have a life anymore either so I may as well be. I started the new job on 7/2, we drove to Wisconsin to visit (grand-)parents on 7/28, returned on 8/11, and went back to work on 8/13 (which reminds me: why aren't we superstitious about Monday the 13th instead of Friday?) I barely have time to, well, you know...

Do you know what's happened in the world while I've been digging myself a new rut? You do? Could you fill me in please? Because I happened to log onto Barnes & Noble's web site this morning to search for something and saw that Crazy Aunt Purl is being published in paper and ink! Holy crow!

One of these days I'll post a photo of the cardigan I finished for the Jujube, I promise. I may be 65 before it happens, Blogger may have kicked my lazy unpublishing butt off their roles and, hell, maybe even the internet will be completely passé before I can come up for air, but it's a promise, nonetheless.

That's it for me. See you in five more weeks? (Goddess, I want my old job back!)


At Monday, August 27, 2007 11:09:00 PM, Blogger NeedleTart said...

No, you don't. Change is good. Just keep repeating that and someday it will be true. At least you have a good reason for not posting. I've just been laying by the pool and reading.....

At Wednesday, September 05, 2007 1:40:00 AM, Blogger Amy Lane said...

So glad to see you back, sweetie! It was like getting a postcard from an old friend to see your comment!


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