Daddy's Got A Brand New Pullover
With shameless plug for the first book of a certain author we all know and love (like all of you haven't already bought and read the entire Little Goddess opus).
The team for slow, non-competitive homebodies. "I consider-er-er-er myself-elf-elf-elf the laziest-est-est-est person-on-on-on on the face-ace-ace-ace of this Earth-earth-earth-earth!"
Awww... Of course the sweater is the star of that photo (such GORGEOUS work! All of that wool-ease wheat yarn was NOT in vain in the least!!!) but I'm awfully glad you liked the book, too:-)
So glad to see the wheat sweater. The world needs more wool-ease for men. (huge blue sweater was also wool-ease). Nice job on the V-neck. That always seems to be the hardest part to get neat.
Hey Coach, how goes the hunt? Update us when you can! XO
Contest at my place!
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