Monday, February 12, 2007

Razzafrazzin Frazzarazzin

I have been all over Kingdom Come and northeastern Massachusetts looking for DoraSplora party hats. Can I find any? Can I? Huh?

What do you think?

You know, there's a reason the Universe makes it difficult for some people to conceive children. People like, oh, let's say, me since I actually believe it's perfectly appropriate to plan a child's at-school birthday celebration the weekend before her birthday.

Apparently it's not. Apparently I should have signed up for the DoraSplora birthday party goods back before 2 Year Old was but a glint on her Reproductive Endocrinologist's catheter. As it is, she will simply have to make do with Dora napkins and Dora cake plates. It's all I can manage. There will be no party hats, no favor bags, no cheap Chinese plastic tchotchkes or teensy weensy bottles of bubbles, no balloons. In fact, there will be no birthday party to speak of for 2 Year Old. Chuck E. Cheese will have to squirt his purple frosting Happy Birthday message on the cakes of some other lucky preschoolers whose mothers are actually members of the secret Society for the Management of Modern Childhood Experiences.

Here's another complete shock to my system. People sign up toddlers for swimming lessons. Toddlers! Swimming lessons!!! What gives? Since when did learning to swim migrate from the domain of upper elementary grades to the swim diaper set?

Can somebody tell me where I can buy the map that shows how to get from here to Clued-In Parentland? I guess I was in the potty during that part of Prepared Childbirth class.

Since 2 Year Old will no longer be 2 years old as of 1:47 tomorrow afternoon, I am hereby changing her blog name to Jujube.


At Monday, February 12, 2007 3:54:00 PM, Blogger NeedleTart said...

Happy birthday, Jujube! Now Mom gets to do the terrible twos.
As for the swimming lessons, we were taught, in swimming teachers' school that the younger we get them in the pool the more likely they are to remember swimming in the womb. Personally, if you get a good teacher, four or five seems just about right. Elder child went to baby swimming lessons and nearly froze to death (summer in Bradford,PA? 60 at night at we went to the pool before it warmed up and there was no heater) He lasted two days and I decided that he would hate the water forever if I forced the issue. Just remember that as Dr. Spock says, "Mom knows best."

At Monday, February 12, 2007 4:33:00 PM, Blogger Mother of Chaos said...

Heh. Hmm, why does this sound so familiar? Hmmmm...why...why...Oh yes. This sounds like every single birthday party I've (sorta) thrown for my children!

I only got it together once. I've had 21 opportunities to throw a kid's birthday party, and only ONE TIME did I manage to have all the matching napkins and whatnot together.

But hey. We have to give them SOMETHING to tell their therapists, right?!

At Monday, February 12, 2007 5:09:00 PM, Blogger Rae said...

Oh my, let's start a "NOT-Clued-In" mom's club. I'm with you.

Birthday parties? For the kiddies? Those are just an excuse for adult parties, aren't they? For DD's 1st bday party, we had a swim and cookout at home, and the adults far outnumbered the 5 or so kids we invited. The birthday cake was considered AFTER we considered how much beer to buy. DD fell asleep during the presents part to boot, so we adults ended up having some nice adult chatter. We ended the day nicely pooped and slightly drunk. Success, in my book.

And swimming? Well, I tried it last winter at the local hs's indoor heated pool, and DD screamed through the first half of each of the 30 min classes. A waste of $120 in my opinion. We'll try again in a few years when she learns to like water.

BTW, if you have any tips for how to fill the weekends, when the daycare is actually closed (how dare they??), please pass them along. I'm at a horrible loss for filling the hours of the day, much less for big events like parties.

At Tuesday, February 13, 2007 12:56:00 PM, Blogger Amy Lane said...

Oh honey--I'm more from yhe 'Hard Knocks' mother's club--because I have thrown some stinkers for b-day parties before...I didn't get better at them until the smaller two came along, and I decided to make the parties themselves smaller--once it boiled down to my kid and two of their favorite kids, the B-Day parties got to be managable and not horrible exercises in disappointment and expense... I mean really, the only kids I can stand for any length of time mostly are my own, right?

At Wednesday, February 14, 2007 1:00:00 AM, Blogger NeedleTart said...

Hey! I just remembered. there's a great magazine out there called "Family Fun" and every once in a while they have suggestions for b-day parties. If you want to resist the mouse (they seem to be owned by Disney) you could just cruise their site on the web (but they have some wonderful activities for weekends and rainy days....also educational ideas)


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