Murderous Thoughts
I fully understand the compulsion to harm a child. I felt it yesterday. Not my own child, mind you. Someone else's. Another person's great big fat hyperactive troublemaking monster boyshit whose idea of a good time is to run up behind all the little girls in his class at the Little Gym and give them a shove. Need I mention 2 Year Old was among the girls who received his attentions? It disturbed me on so many levels but not, of course, on the first real revelation that I am fully capable of intentionally harming another human being -- a child, no less -- and feeling nothing but glee about it.
No, what disturbed me was that the child got away with it. He managed this in the 37.6 milliseconds that all three instructors were otherwise engaged. Falling prey to the playground dictum that tattling is a worse offense than the behavior reported, not a single one of the half dozen mothers seated on the sidelines who witnessed the boyshit's behavior actually reported it to an authority in attendance, including Yours Truly.
Further disturbance to my psyche was caused by the complete lack of attention paid by boyshit's parental unit who was, at the time, seated in the lobby behind the picture window that separates it from the gymnasium. This activity did not occur in some hidden corner of the room but on the giant red floor mat directly in front of the window. The fact the woman didn't burst through the door and drag boyshit out of class might be explained by a different parenting style than mine. The lack of attention to boyshit's behavior once class was over may have been due to the mother's wish to address it in private. Perhaps she did not actually witness his shittiness. Or, heaven forbid, perhaps in boyshit's household, male on female violence is perfectly acceptable, in which case, the mother is not to be despised but, rather, pitied.
Most disturbing on an ongoing basis was the realization, upon seeing her slowly and gracefully dissolve into tears, that my baby has already, but five mere days from her third birthday, been ushered into the phase of life when my ability to protect her is being terminated. I began to think of all the boyshits that will shove her into coathooks in the hallway at school and push her down on the playground and whack her lunch tray out of her hand scattering her food hither-thither and leaving her hungry for the rest of the schoolday. I can't begin to bring myself to imagine what the girlshits will do to her. There is wickedness and cruelty a mother simply cannot bring to her mind while she contemplates her darling's future.
It is my job to teach her to protect herself within the bounds of what is reasonable, ethical, and fits within the dictates of the values we wish to instill in her. The trouble is, how does one reconcile that one's own values differ from the cultural norm to the extent that it will actually put one's own child in harm's way? Because, let's face it, if I teach 2 Year Old to stand up for herself, every bully with a whiff of narcissism or an ambition of meglomania will be able to smell her defiant determination to live as though civilization were fact rather than theory. In the moment, as I cuddled my stunned girl, I told her it was totally OK to go right up to the bully and say, "I don't like that. What you did wasn't nice. Don't do it again." Now, you know and I know I might as well have told her, "If someone hurts you, make sure they know exactly who you are and how badly you'll react to it so they will be sure to do it again and often."
I've been the sweet, innocent little blonde girl on the playground who thinks if she minds her own business the boyshits will leave her alone and the girlshits will want to be her friend. I'm living proof it doesn't work. After reading Amy Lane's experiences with students and parents and watching hockey Dads beat each other to death and witnessing repeatedly how the world really works, how do I instruct my daughter to deal with this shit? The thing is, I honestly don't know because I haven't yet figured out how to deal with this shit. It makes me homicidally angry at best and suicidally depressed at the other end of the spectrum.
I have so been haunted by the very same questions with my 2.5 yo DD. She's delightful, silly, playful, good-hearted, and tiny for her age. She's generally liked by all of the kids in her class, but there are times when she's got to be tough and stand up for herself.
Having enviously watched adult coworkers who are bullies themselves (having been the bullied one as a kid), I've tried to figure out the qualities of the bully. While I don't have those qualities myself, I have been so tempted to tell my DD to hit back, bite back, and generally defend herself physically. Maybe not even defend but to offend. Let's pre-empt the attacks by attacking others.
But alas, instead I encourage DD to become physically strong, mentally cunning, and verbally assertive. My tactic is to encourage athleticism, under the assumption that physical prowess leads to great confidence and less victimhood. Empower her with a sense of self, fostering her assertiveness even at home (knowing it'll bite me in the butt soon, as she asserts herself against my instructions). And arming her with a wicked tongue and vocabulary, encouraging her to call it like she sees it and to not shy away from voicing her opinion.
Of course, it's all an experiment and very likely to fail. But we shall see ...
I always told the boys that they were allowed to hit back. Not to hit first, but to hit back! Of course, they were both on the high end of the growth scale, but they had the philosophy to get through. Miss Manners on the other hand would have taken the boyshit by the arm (firmly!) and said, "Oh, my. You ought to be careful, you could get hurt like that."
Aw, man. This DOES bite, doesn’t it? What’s hard for me is…I was a bully-buster, personally. Every bully picked on me precisely one (1) time. After they got out of the hospital, they gave me a really wide berth. ;-)
So it’s hard to look my girls in the eye when somebody does something like that and say, “You should use your words, tell a teacher, blah blah blah.” Because what I want to say? “OK, when you go for the take-down, hook his ankle with your calf and…”
I think it’s always been tough. My mother didn’t know what to do, either. She’d come pick me up from the principal’s office (ahem) and be utterly at a loss. “You shouldn’t fight,” she’d say. “But he started it!” “Well, but you shouldn’t fight!” “So, I’m what, supposed to just stand there and let him hit me?” “Well, no, but…but…”
But…what? She never had an answer, and neither do I. Except to tell my girls that while I don’t want them starting any fights…their mother will not be angry if they finish one. And to never, ever make a fist with their thumb on the inside of it. And keep your wrist straight while punching. And…
Hello rae! I've seen you on Yarning2Write's comment pages. Just wandered over to your blog from the link here. You go on my links page as soon as I decomment here.
Thanks to each of you for your input. I haven't yet figured out what my next step will be but I am feeling neither Sui nor Homi Cidal anymore. I think now all I really want is a big glass of wine, disc 6 and final of The Dew Breaker, and the V-neck pullover to set the world aright. Gratia plena.
Goddess--this questions sucks so huge--I feel like I've been dealing with it forever. T was so big, and so poor with language, we finally told him to simply push out with his arms if anyone came up and touched him, and to scream "Stop it. Go away." It worked--he only had to use it once, but it got the attention of the yard duty, protected his person, and didn't violate the 'no tattling' rule. Chicken was smaller with a nastier temper--we had to tell her that we didn't care what the other kid did to her, when it got to the point where she was sitting on the kid's chest and beating her to a pulp, she was no longer the victim and would get into a boatload of trouble. Most of you know about her struggle as she got older--she finally discovered her sarcasm and her 'I'm all right Jack, screw you all' attitude (where did she get that? I have no idea) and now I feel okay about it--but there were no easy answers. They all sucked. $%^&ing boyshits.
Hello, I too have faced this. The boyshit pushed DD the same way. I told the teacher as she did not witness it and she explained she would keep an eye on it. Apparently boyshit in dds class is a terror and has pushed and shoved many children including his little sister. I witnessed him take his little sister by the back of the neck and shove her face first into the cupboards and run away smiling with glee. He has also several times shoved her and again acted like nothing happened with a litle shit eating grin on his face. I have advised DD not to go near him. She plays with the other children and if he seeks her out she has been told to very loudly yell "Boyshit" stop hurting me" This gets the teachers atention without tattling. He has shoved her and once punched her in the stomach because she got fruit snacks for being good and he did not.
I worry for his sister who is a little tiny thing. She is often his target. They are in different rooms but at the end of the day they combine all ages. I blame the parents. Maybe he is just evil but one day the mother asked me what she should do she could not bear leaving her baby in the daycare all day and she wanted advice about working parttime. In my head I thought well stop working so your terror is not near my child but I refrained. In a few weeks she came back to me and said she was going to work 2 days a week and keep her DD home with her but her son was going to go fulltime to daycare as she could not cope. Hmm well mommy loves your litle sister lots more than you so now boyshit takes it out on all girls....
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